

Sikh Gurus: Their Lives and Teachings


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The essence of the Sikh tradition - an emphasis on love, service to humanity, and devotion - is beautifully conveyed in this description of the Sikh Gurus and their teachings.

While the stories of their live are told in a simple, straightforward fashion, the author conveys the courage, determination, love, and devotion that their lives represent, and inspires the reader to cultivate these qualities in the pursuit of his or her own spiritual path. The Sikh gurus embody the ideal of a spiritual life lived in the world, yet above the world - dealing successfully with the events of daily life, while maintaining the awareness of that One, underlying reality that is the source of all love.

In this volume, apart from telling the fascinating life-stories of the Sikh gurus, the author has translated afresh selections from their popular hymns. He starts from the birth of Guru Nanak and closes with an account of the compilation of the Holy Granth and its consecration, "the manifest corpus of all the Sikh Gurus."

The book meets the need of both the Sikhs and the non-Sikhs and those living outside of India to acquaint themselves with Sikh traditions.

Published: 2012
Pages: 287
Format: Paperback